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D. Thode & Associates Inc. Blog
Get answers to questions on Bankruptcy,
Consumer Poposals and Debt Solutions

Jun 21, 2023
The Importance of Opening a New Bank Account Before Declaring Bankruptcy or Filing a Consumer Proposal
Bankruptcy and/or a Consumer Proposal is a challenging and often overwhelming financial situation. It involves a complex legal process...

Oct 19, 2022
How do I Re-establish my Credit after Bankruptcy or a Consumer Proposal?
This is one of the first questions we are asked when someone is considering bankruptcy or a consumer proposal to assist them with their...

May 24, 2022
What is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee?
Licensed Insolvency Trustees or LITs are government-regulated professionals authorized to administer federally regulated debt relief...

Jan 28, 2022
What is Credit Counselling?
Many British Columbians are facing financial struggles due to increased living costs and reductions in their income while trying to stay...

Jan 12, 2022
What are the differences between a Bankruptcy and Consumer Proposal?
Bankruptcy and Consumer Proposals are the two most common options for individuals who are facing financial difficulties and find...

Nov 5, 2021
What is the True Cost of Bankruptcy?
One of the most frequent questions we are asked is “what are your fees?”. The Trustee’s fees are just a small part of what bankruptcy...

Mar 20, 2021
Who does a Licensed Insolvency Trustee Work for?
This is a question we are often asked. If you’ve been researching online about debt relief options, you may have come across information...

Feb 24, 2021
Does bankruptcy affect my employment prospects?
A common question people have is whether or not filing for bankruptcy will affect their ability to get a job. Some particular legal and...

Jan 7, 2021
The Profile of Bankruptcy Debtor Characteristics
Bankruptcy can happen to anyone at any age when the world is challenged financially, as they have been the last several months with the...

Oct 17, 2020
The Profile of Bankruptcy on Income and Expenses
As part of the government’s commitment to openness, accountability, and public engagement, the OSB has developed the Canadian Consumer...

Aug 21, 2020
Tax Debt and a Consumer Proposal
There are many people who do not realize that tax debts can be dealt with through the filing of a consumer proposal or a bankruptcy. ...

Aug 18, 2020
Credit Card Debt After Summer
It is easy to allow your credit card debt to pile up over the summer. With summer activities, that include weekend getaways, summer camps...

May 8, 2020
Covid-19 And The Timing Of Bankruptcy
Since the pandemic was declared hundreds of thousands of British Columbians have lost their jobs and find themselves unable to make rent,...

Apr 16, 2020
What Is The Best Way To Handle Extraordinary Tax Debt?
Many Canadians find themselves in a position where they cannot pay their Extraordinary Tax Debt or income tax debt to Canada Revenue...

Feb 26, 2019
Windfalls During Bankruptcy
When we approach bankruptcy as a potential solution for clients, it is with a clear picture of their financial situation and the...

Nov 19, 2018
CAIRP: Increase in Bankruptcies Predicted
Mounting Pressure on Debtors, as ‘Insolvency Time Lag’, Ease of Credit and Stigma of Bankruptcy Keep Consumer Insolvency Rates Stable. An...

Mar 6, 2018
Tax Debt and the CRA
As they say, the only things we can truly count on are death and taxes. So, it’s not uncommon to come across clients who, for one reason...

Sep 16, 2017
3 Common Questions About Bankruptcy
When it comes to debt solution, many people feel that bankruptcy will be a life long anchor to carry with them throughout their financial...

May 31, 2017
Bankruptcy Lawyers Vs. Bankruptcy Trustees
When it comes to filing for bankruptcy, it may seem like you have to learn a whole new vocabulary when all you want to do is get out of...
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